Playground/Cafeteria Expectations
Drinking Fountain
Reinforce the concept of waiting in line, keeping all body parts to self, no pushing and no shoving.
Fighting, use of inappropriate language, or being disrespectful will not be allowed.
No wrestling, mock fighting or martial art practicing games of any kind are permitted.
No “piggybacking,” carrying or swinging of other pupils will be permitted.
THE BELL STOPS ALL PLAY. Students should “FREEZE” and drop to one knee, then a yard duty supervisor will blow a whistle and students WALK to their lines. This has been shown to signal that recess is over, reduce accidents, calm students down, and recognize that it is time to return to class.
Playground Rules
Slide – Only one on the slide at a time.
Bars – Used to strengthen arm muscles only. Never walk, stand or crawl on the bars.
Swings – Sitting position only. Never bail out of swings. Stand on curb behind swings while waiting. Count to 100.
Kick Balls – Kick balls are to be used only on the grass area.
Sports Equipment - Footballs, tennis racquets, baseball bats and hard balls are not allowed.
Classroom Equipment – Room balls and jump ropes are for all children in the room to play with, not just the one who brings it out to the yard.
Chewing gum and sunflower seeds are not permitted on campus.
Basketball - There will be 5 players on a team. Students will rotate in after each basket is scored. No stealing the ball or physical contact.
Foods that dye fingers (ex: Cheetos) and powdered mixes are not allowed on the yard. Students need to wash their hands after eating these types of foods in the cafeteria.
Litter – All pupils should pick up paper, milk cartons and other litter on the yard. Pupils may be asked to keep the yard clean and to pick up papers, etc.
Play Areas – Children are to play only in the areas designated as play areas during recess, lunch and before school.
No balls may be kicked on the blacktop. Basketball and Four Square are the only ball games allowed on the blacktop.
Only soccer balls and small brown kickballs may be kicked.
Volleyballs, soft red rubber playground balls and basketballs may not be kicked at any time.
No balls may be thrown against the buildings. – It loosens the plaster.
Children should not kick or otherwise interfere with other students’ playground balls or games.
Never leave the playground to retrieve balls; notify teacher/adult on duty.
Footballs are not allowed at school.
Cafeteria Meals
Hot lunches are available to all students. Hot lunch costs $3.00, and milk can be purchased for $.50.
A hot breakfast will be available before school from 7:30 to 8:00 a.m. Breakfast cost $1.75
Lunch is available for purchase during snack recess on minimum days.
Free and reduced breakfast and lunches are available to those students who qualify (the forms for this can be found online here or in the office).
Cafeteria Rules
Teachers walk their students to the cafeteria.
Students enter the cafeteria in a quiet manner and use inside voices.
Once you are seated, at your table with your lunch, DO NOT get up until you are finished and have raised your hand to be excused.
When an adult has excused you, put your trash in the garbage cans, your lunch box in your class basket and WALK DIRECTLY to the playground.
Cafeteria Monitors
Each week your teacher will choose two lunchroom monitors. If you are a monitor, you will be in charge of helping keep your lunch table clean for one week.
Monitors’ Responsibilities
Lead your line to the cafeteria.
Bring lunch basket with you and place it at the end of your table.
After you finish lunch you need to use a dustpan and broom to sweep under the table and a wet dishtowel to wipe off the tabletop and benches.
When you have finished cleaning your table, sit at the end of your table and wait for an adult to check your work. Carry your class lunch basket to your classroom door.
Lunch Boxes
Label lunch boxes with student's first and last names, teacher’s name, room number and grade.
Leaving and entering the building should be controlled and uniform.
Pupils are not to loiter or play in bathrooms.
Pupils are to walk on the outside of yellow lines designating “swing” areas of classroom doors.
The purpose of these general rules is to provide a safe and orderly environment for all students and adults who attend or work at Laurel School.
Students are expected to behave in a manner, which reflects positively on Laurel School.
Adults make every effort to reinforce proper behavior, which will foster a respect for others, school and private property.
We play to have fun. People are the most important part of the game. If you disagree about a rule you need to step out of the game to discuss the problem. If needed, seek adult help.