It is an immense honor and privilege to serve our community as your superintendent. Our vision that Oakley Union Elementary School District be a diverse learning community committed to educating and empowering today’s learners and tomorrow’s leaders in a safe and inclusive environment is something I embrace to my core. Every student deserves a physically and emotionally safe school filled with caring adults to support them as they learn and grow.
Helen Keller’s words, “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much”, resonate as we work together to address unprecedented challenges. When we come together in the spirit of collaboration and as partners in EVERY student’s success, we can accomplish anything. I know the future of our district is bright because we will remain committed and focused on serving our students. Thank you for your commitment to our students, our community, and our district!
Jeff Palmquist
Email Jeff Palmquist
(925) 625-5050